 1 Ergebnisse 

A Linha de Cor é o Fio de Ouro: o Papel da Raça e da Escrav..:

Santos, Erica Paula Vasconcelos dos
ACHARYA, Amitav. Race and racism in the founding of the modern world order. Constructing global order. International Affairs 98: 1, 2022. ANIEVAS, Alexander, MANCHANDA, Nivi, SHILLIAM, Robbie. Race and racism in international relations: confronting the global colour line. Routledge. Third Avenue, Nova York, 2015. APPIAH, Kwame Anthony. 'Racisms' in David Theo Goldberg (ed.) Anatomy of Racism. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1990, 3–18. BULL, Hedley; WATSON, Adam. The Expansion of International Society. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002. BHAMBRA, Gurminder K, BOUKA, Yolande, PERSAUD, Randolph, RUTAZIBWA, Olivia, THAKUR, Vinnet, BELL Duncan, SMITH, Karen HAASTRUP, Toni, ADEM, Seifudein. Why Is Mainstream International Relations Blind to Racism? Ignoring the central role of race and colonialism in world affairs precludes an accurate understanding of the modern state system. Disponível em:  , 2023