 1 Ergebnisse 

Fields with no recent legume cultivation have sufficient ni..:

Maluk, Marta ; Ferrando-Molina, Francesc ; Lopez del Egido, Laura...
Maluk M, Ferrando-Molina F, Lopez del Egido L, Langarica-Fuentes A, Gebre Yohannes G, Young MW, Martin P, Gantlett R, Kenicer G, Hawes C, Begg GS, Quilliam RS, Squire GR, Young JPW, Iannetta PPM & James EK (2022) Fields with no recent legume cultivation have sufficient nitrogen-fixing rhizobia for crops of faba bean (Vicia faba L.). Plant and Soil, 472 (1-2), pp. 345-368.  , 2022