 1 Ergebnisse 

Trauma radiology in northern Norway:

Bågenholm, Anna
Paper 1: Bågenholm, A., Lundberg, I., Straume, B., Sundset, R., Bartnes, K., Ingebrigtsen, T. & Dehli, T. (2019). Injury coding in a national trauma registry: a one-year validation audit in a level 1 trauma centre. BMC Emergency Medicine, 19 , 61. Also available in Munin at . Paper 2: Bågenholm, A., Løvhaugen, P., Sundset, R. & Ingebrigtsen, T. (2020). Diagnostic imaging and ionizing radiation exposure in a level 1 trauma centre population met with trauma team activation: a one-year patient record audit. Radiation protection dosimetry, 189 (1), 35–47. Also available in Munin at . Paper 3: Bågenholm, A., Dehli, T., Eggen Hermansen, S., Bartnes, K., Larsen, M. & Ingebrigtsen, T. (2020). Clinical guided computer tomography decisions are advocated in potentially severely injured trauma patients: a one-year audit in a level 1 trauma centre with long prehospital times. Sca....  , 2020