 1 Ergebnisse 

Klebsiella pneumoniae in the marine environment:

Håkonsholm, Fredrik
Paper I: Håkonsholm, F., Hetland, M.A.K., Svanevik, C.S., Sundsfjord, A., Lunestad, B.T. & Marathe, N.P. (2020). Antibiotic Sensitivity Screening of Klebsiella spp. and Raoultella spp. Isolated from Marine Bivalve Molluscs Reveal Presence of CTX-M-Producing K. pneumoniae . Microorganisms, 8 , 1909. Also available in Munin at . Paper II: Håkonsholm, F., Hetland, M.A.K., Svanevik, C.S., Lunestad, B.T., Löhr, I.H. & Marathe, N.P. (2022). Insights into the genetic diversity, antibiotic resistance and pathogenic potential of Klebsiella pneumoniae from the Norwegian marine environment using whole-genome analysis. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 242 , 113967. Also available in Munin at . Paper III: Håkonsholm, F., Hetland, M.A.K., Löhr, I.H., Lunestad, B.T. & Marathe, N.P. Complete genome sequences of Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates carrying antibio....  , 2023